Dr. J. Michael Godfrey provides guidance, support, and feedback to clergy members who want assistance along their ministry journey.
Our purpose is to enrich the life of the present and future Church through supporting career clergy. We utilize customized mentoring, coaching, and consulting experiences to meet your needs and goals.
We provide tools and coaching support for healthy personal growth and self-care, skill development, and leadership development for career clergy, giving you a solid foundation to achieve a sure start, a fruitful journey, and a faithful finish throughout your life and ministry.
Write a check and send via USPS, monthly or periodically, as you desire. A faithful monthly donation ensures continued service to the clergy and congregations.
True Course Ministries, Inc.
506 Dal Paso Dr., Robinson, TX 76706
We invite you to get involved in the True Course Ministries vision. Whether you’ve heard about our dynamic mentoring, coaching, and consulting services and are interested in experiencing it for yourself, or you’d like to financially support this ministry to help clergy members grow as leaders and ministers, contact True Course Ministries today. We can show you how!